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How To Make Plarn (Plastic Yarn)

Let's get creative by utilizing waste plastic bags to be more useful and beautiful to look at with crochet into many products that can benefit our lives . but before I tried to present how to use the plastic bags ( crackle ) into thread-like strands . that aims to make us easy to knit without much connection string. Mari kita berkreasi dengan memanfaatkan limbah tas plastik agar bisa bermanfaat dan berpenampilan lebih cantik dengan merajutnya menjadi banyak produk yang bisa bermanfaat bagi kehidupan kita. Tapi sebelumnya saya akan mencoba sajikan bagaimana cara mengolah tas plastik [kresek] menjadi untaian seperti benang yang bertujuan agar kita lebih mudah dalam merajutnya tanpa banyak sambungan . potong kedua sisi tas kresek agar menjadi lurus dan bolong bentangkan tas kresek agar lurus dan rata lipat kresek menjadi beberapa lipatan untuk memudahkan menggunting.., sisakan kira- kira  lebar 2 cm (atau tergantung ketebalan plastik) gunting kresek...
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Crochet Plastic Bag

a few months ago I visited some rural areas to teach mothers knitting plastic bag . for 3 months I lived on the island of Lombok accompanying them to teach and guide them in learning to knit . they learn from scratch . until they can make a lot of creations motif . This is some of the work of the mothers in the village Beririjarak Wanasaba East Lombok . The results of their work are pretty ! [Beberapa bulan yang lalu saya mengunjungi beberapa daerah pelosok untuk mengajari ibu-ibu merajut tas plastik. selama 3 bulan saya tinggal di Pulau Lombok mendampingi mereka untuk mengajari dan membimbing mereka dalam belajar merajut. mereka belajar dari nol. sampai akhirnya mereka bisa membuat banyak kreasi motif. ini adalah beberapa hasil pekerjaan ibu-ibu di desa Beririjarak Wanasaba Lombok Timur. Hasil pekerjaan mereka  yang cantik]

How To Mkae Granny Square Blouse

How to make Granny Square Blouse . .

Crochet Grey Rope Bag

Trying to make a bag with a dark color. with material fixed on the rope chair, but this time the rope chair ply smaller size. This simple motif is my favorite. only with sc-sc-ch, motif bag looks simple and elegant. i put white shell for accessories  (*_*)

Crochet Blue Rope Bag

Still playing with a rope chair to make the material crochet handbag. why rope chair becomes a favorite for me? because the rope chair has a big size ply ..., so quickly completed the work on it. rope chair used to make macrame project. but this time I tried to make a bag with a knit. as I put Bross application so that the bag does not look smooth and beautiful. as the handle, I give a little leather as the touch of art. with a layer of songket (cloth woven Indonesia) as the inner bag. What do you think? (*_*)

Crochet Chocolate Basket Weafe Bag

A customer ordered a bag with basket weave motif. with a handle made of wood shaped like a circle of grapes. Thread in use is the thread polycerry with the characteristic properties of light and strong beang to be made bags. Old craftsmanship is 4 days plus one day for sewing inner and installing zippers. Because I am a fan of the brown color, then I saw this bag is simple and elegant. (*_*)

Crochet Peach Rope Chair Bag

Still playing with a rope chair. , , rope chair with a big kind ply make rapid progress be completed. certainly not with elaborate motifs. by using the inner bag of traditional Indonesian batik recycle, bag of rope chair becomes more beautiful ... (In my opinion ... :)) bag with a large size can not be called handbag., because the handle of the bag is made of wood. Simple ..., unique ..., beautiful ... :) (*_*)